TIME MANAGEMENT TIPS Six for SuccessSix tips so you can manage your time without sacrificing it all!By: Chat Mills Now that we are in the swing of the new year this is about the time that I find myself saying, "Oh yeah, about those resolutions I set..."
Palm to face. You're shaking your too head because you know what I'm talking about. You're probably also thinking about how you've let yourself down (again), and how tomorrow you'll get back on track! Except without a plan you won't. Trust me, I know how this goes. I knew it so well that I finally decided to do something about it. Over the last year I was so sick of that disappointed feeling that I said, "Chat, get your shite together!" So if you find yourself in this boat where you're simply just floating but are ready to get it together then I have some very realistic and manageable strategies for you!
WEIGHT MANAGEMENT TIPS The Holiday Overindulgence...now What?4 Way to Get Back on Track After the Holidays By: Chat Mills Another holiday season has come and gone and if you're like me it's followed by the feeling that you've maybe overindulged. For years I looked at Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Memorial Day, hell, even Flag Day (which coincidently happens to be my son's birthday) as an opportunity to throw caution to the wind, let loose, and eat whatever I wanted. I would think to myself, "I'll get back after it tomorrow!" The thing is though that I didn't get back after it the next day. I didn't plan or portion my plate. I ate whatever I wanted and I paid for it with bloat, indigestion, and an upset stomach. Over time this had done a number on my waistline and my mindset. I had convinced myself that I would always be this way - fat and sassy. You know what I'm talking about, the "I'm not losing any weight anyway so I might as well eat whatever (but secretly inside I'm so wanting to make a change I could cry and most likely will when the button on my pants blows a hole through the living room window when I go to sit on the couch later)." You know, that feeling? And during this time I realized that being bloated and my desire to live a long healthy life became so much stronger than the comfortability after overeating (which actually isn't all that comfortable) that I made a change. There is hope folks and below I share my top for tips for working through the overindulgence AND how to not repeat it! Affirmation: I treat my body wellI am grateful for the opportunity to eat and drink nutritious foods that add health to my life.
After going through a difficult loss, I had lost myself and was putting everyone and everything ahead of myself. I wanted my energy back, to find my passion for the activities I enjoy, to reconnect with my body & my inner athlete. Now that I am on that path, I teach busy people to prioritize their health so they can live a happier, healthier, sustainable lifestyle.
March 2024