MINDSET TIPS Six Steps to put your plan into action!I am an independent consultant with a company called Arbonne. Every week, the team that I am apart of has a business training. This past week another consultant from another team (whom I do not know) was engaging us to think about the word "decided." "Are you decided or are you playing?" Initially I thought, "How ridiculous! If we are on this training then naturally we must be decided." Then she asked another series of questions: Are you committed to why you are doing this? Are you laser focused with your goals? Are you saying "I am going to do this no matter what this takes or are you making excuses for yourself?" Are you watching others achieve their goals and complaining that you aren't? Are you making excuses or are you moving through obstacles? Ugh! How dare she call me out on my terrible attitude and behavior! She doesn't even know me. But there-in lies the problem, right? I do know me. My business aside, in that moment I made a startling realization that while I had convinced myself that I was "decided" I was, in fact, not. 2020 brought on a series of challenges for me that I had never experienced before. I struggled so much I didn't think there would ever be a light at the end of the tunnel. I would vacillate between "I shouldn't be complaining, I am healthy, my family is safe, and I have a job." to "I will never lose this weight, what the hell is anxiety and how do I get rid of it, and oh god, am I an alcoholic?" You know what I am talking about right? That unrelenting feeling of "when is this going to be over and when will things be normal again?" I've never experienced so many nights where my brain just kept going and going in thought. I felt like everything was holding me back - how was I ever going to run a business, help my kids through remote learning, be a good mom/wife, get my body into shape, get a handle on my mental health and find time for myself? Something has to give! Immediately I thought of areas that I could do without. "Well I don't NEED voice lessons. My foot may be broken so no working out, that's an easy one! I'll just have to really scale back how much I'm working (which is already limited) to when the kids are in bed." Shut Up brain, Shut Up!
After going through a difficult loss, I had lost myself and was putting everyone and everything ahead of myself. I wanted my energy back, to find my passion for the activities I enjoy, to reconnect with my body & my inner athlete. Now that I am on that path, I teach busy people to prioritize their health so they can live a happier, healthier, sustainable lifestyle.
March 2024